When was Vesak in 2013? - When-Is.com
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When was Vesak in 2013?

Vesak in 2013 was on Friday, the 24th of May (24/5/2013).

How are Vesak dates determined?

Note: The dates shown on this page are the dates for Vesak as it is celebrated in Thailand.

In most countries in South-East Asia, Vesak is celebrated on the same date as in Thailand, or one day later. In China, dates are about a week earlier.

The exact date of Vesak varies according to the various lunar calendars used in different traditions. In Theravada countries following the Buddhist calendar, it falls on a full moon Uposatha day, typically in the 5th or 6th lunar month.

Dates of Vesak by year

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Other Buddhist Holidays in 2013:

Monthly World Holiday Calendars
